
App Review and Services

Digital Kids Research offers the following services:

App Review
Tell me about your app! While at this point, most of the apps that get sent my way probably won't get a formal review, I DO check them all out. So if you don't hear from me, I'm not ignoring you.

Also - I'm now opening up reviewing to educational apps of all ages - not just 3-8.

I will review apps for free where I have something to say - either good or bad - kinda like a Do's and Don'ts of apps (and of course, all in my humble opinion).

If I do formally review your app:
Please note that for all reviews you will not receive a preview of the review. The review will be honest, positive or negative.

App Consulting
If your app does not get reviewed, you'd like further consultation, and or would like me to get involved earlier in the process, Digital Kids can help provide feedback at any stage of your app from the learning theory to tips on how to get your app featured. We would start with a one-hour session and go from there.


Research design
Conducting research studies
o Case studies
o Survey studies
o Small-scale lab studies
o Large scale, in-school studies
o Longitudinal studies
o Usability studies
Research reporting writing
Grant writing
  • Data analyses

Rates vary depending on the type, size, and duration of the project.

Please email me about any of these services at cynthiachiong/at/gmail/dot/com.